MefHySto – D9
Dissemination of project results towards international standards and committees. The project’s Task A6.1.8 focused on dissemination efforts to ensure a wide-reaching impact of its findings. Engagement targeted influential bodies including ISO/TC 197, IEC/TC 105, ISO/TC 158, CEN/TC 234, and more, aiming to introduce project outputs into committee discussions. These efforts involved requesting agenda time, delivering […]
MefHySto – D8
Report on the metrological and thermodynamic issues in the large-scale storage of hydrogen in UGS and the conversion of existing UGS from natural gas to hydrogen including the simulation of the flow behaviour of hydrogen / natural gas mixtures. Hydrogen is seen as an important energy source of the future in politics and business worldwide. […]
MefHySto – D7
Report on (i) the definition of underground gas storages (UGS)- relevant impurities (ii) recommendations for measurements of hydrocarbon traces and (iii) an extension of the enhancement factor for hydrogen mixtures. Hydrogen is seen as an important energy source of the future in politics and business worldwide. In various countries beyond Europe clear targets have been […]
MefHySto – D6
Report on a method for measuring and calculating heat conductivity of hydrogen ab/adsorbed in an intermetallic material or porous materials as a function of temperature, pressure, hydrogen absorption capacity and rate, considering dynamic heat flux impact and a harmonised method (< 1 % uncertainty) for stored hydrogen. In reversible hydrogen storage technologies, the temperature is […]
MefHySto – D5
This report describes the developed protocols for gas sampling (air and H2) and the validation of the subsequent analysis by in-tube extraction dynamic headspace coupled to gas chromatographymass spectrometry (ITEX-DHS-GC-MS) carried out at the University of A Coruña (UDC) for the determination of halogenated volatile organic compounds (VOCs). These compounds, if present in the input […]
MefHySto – D4
Report on the investigation of the impact of contaminants in H2 and air contaminants on PEM Fuel Cell (FC) (reliability) and durability (sustainability) under short-term and long-term operation, including recommendations for air quality sensors needed for monitoring FC systems. This report documents the investigation of the impact of complex mixtures of impurities in hydrogen and […]
MefHySto – D3
The aim of this report is to inform about the delivered scientific papers focusing on thermophysical properties of hydrogen-enriched natural gas mixtures with a hydrogen content of up to 20 % injected in the gas grids and hydrogen under geological storage conditions. These were outcomes of the work carried out in Work Package 2 within […]
MefHySto – D2
This report describes the use of the online gas analysers, whose validation is described in the Metrology for Advanced Hydrogen Storage Solutions (MefHySto 19ENG03) D1 “Report on the development of new metrology for the measurement of key impurities in hydrogen (water vapour and oxygen) produced from PEM water electrolysers, with fast response times of a […]
MefHySto – D1
The aim of this work (Metrology for Advanced Hydrogen Storage Solutions – MefHySto 19ENG03) is to address the need for the assessment of the quality of hydrogen produced from PEM water electrolysis during rapidly imposed transient use periods. This work focuses on quality measurements with online gas analysers for two key impurities in hydrogen (water […]
A database to select affordable MOFs for volumetric hydrogen cryoadsorption considering the cost of their linkers

A database to select affordable MOFs for volumetric hydrogen cryoadsorption considering the cost of their linkers was introduced by CIIAE – Iberian Centre for Research in Energy Storage and Bundesanstalt für Materialforschung und -prüfung. Physical adsorption at cryogenic temperature is a reversible mechanism that can reduce the pressure of conventional compressed gas storage systems. Metal–organic […]