Open access paper about Hydrogen Cryo-Adsorption Tanks
ZIF‑8 Pellets as a Robust Material for Hydrogen Cryo-Adsorption Tanks Abstract Cryoadsorption on the inner surface of porous materials is a promising solution for safe,
MefHySto publishes open access paper
Thermodynamic characterization of the (H2 + C3H8) system significant for the hydrogen economy: Experimental (p, ρ, T) determination and equation-of-state modelling Second Paper published within
EMPIR project improves equation of state for hydrogen-enriched gas
EMPIR project improves equation of state for hydrogen-enriched gas Our Project Metrology for Advanced Hydrogen Storage Solutions (19ENG03, MefHySto) is featured via EURAMET. If you want to
Report of MefHySto in „gwf Gas + Energie“
We gladly announce that our project was recently presented in the journal: gwf Gas + Energie Please access the article under the following link.
Experimental Volumetric Hydrogen Uptake Determination at 77 K of Commercially Available Metal-Organic Framework Materials
Experimental Volumetric Hydrogen Uptake Determination at 77 K of Commercially Available Metal-Organic Framework Materials Experimental Volumetric Hydrogen Uptake Determination at 77 K of Commercially Available
MefHySto at the Enlit EU projects zone
February 17, 2021 – MefHySto is now featured at the Enlit EU projects zone. This showcase presents numerous EU funded projects contributing to future energy