The European project MefHySto addresses the need of large-scale energy storage, which is required for a shift to renewable energy supply. The project is funded by the European Metrology Programme on Innovation and Research (EMPIR) and consists of 14 consortium partners from all over Europe.
The MefHySto Project
Large-scale energy storage is required to supply energy at peak times when renewable sources fluctuate. A possible solution for energy storage is large-scale use of hydrogen. Advanced storage solutions for hydrogen, such as Power-to-Hydrogen as well as Power-to-Gas and Gas-to-Power, are a prerequisite to achieve the ambitious new EU energy target of a renewable energy share of 32 % by 2030.
In order to target the newly released European Renewable Energy Directive 2018/2001, metrological traceability in the energy infrastructure for hydrogen storage is crucial. Thus, improved knowledge of chemical and physical properties of hydrogen as well as traceable measurements and validated techniques are imperative.
To address this, this project will assess the quality of hydrogen produced and improve the reference equations of state used for modelling hydrogen injection. In addition, the project will investigate the sustainability and reliability of fuel cells (FC), whose performance is affected by impurities in hydrogen and develop a harmonized method for hydrogen storage. Finally, the project will deal with metrological and thermodynamic issues in the large-scale storage of hydrogen in underground gas storages (UGS) and in the conversion of existing UGS from natural gas to hydrogen.
Latest News
- MefHySto brochure We announce the publication of the MefHySto project brochure. In the MefHySto brochure you find a summary of the most important results and experiences made during the MefHySto project. It includes the main deliverables and links to publications, scientific articles and reports. The keytopics of the MefHySto project were: Evaluation of the quality […]read more
Latest Events
- MefHySto brochure We announce the publication of the MefHySto project brochure. In the MefHySto brochure you find a summary of the most important results and experiences made during the MefHySto project. It includes the main deliverables and links to publications, scientific articles and reports. The keytopics of the MefHySto project were: Evaluation of the quality […]read more

About the Project
